Enter your server data

Is your server connected to the internet?

Make an account (optional)

Make an account to claim your servers on the leaderboard and get access to tools for tracking your server emission stats more easily.

Run the Carbon Client on your server

To collect data on your server specifications and enter onto the leaderboard, run the following command on your server:

bash -c "$(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openflighthpc/carbon-leaderboard/main/carbon-client/carbon)" carbon send

For more options, such as associating your servers with your user account, see the advanced usage information below.

Download the Carbon Client

The Carbon Client is a BASH script which collects the required data for adding entries to the Carbon Leaderboard.

Run the Carbon Client on your server

To collect data on your server emissions and enter onto the leaderboard, save the Carbon Client on your server and run the following command:

bash carbon send

This will collect all the data you need to enter your server onto the leaderboard. However, you can find information below about more advanced options, such as associating your servers with your user account.

Upload your data

Find your payload file at carbon-log/payload-${UUID}.json and upload it below.

See how your server does on the leaderboard!

Advanced usage options